New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform A few more questions about Flexform

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #1007
    Post count: 10

    Still chugging through, trying to make this theme work properly.

    1. I followed the instructions on this page:, yet if you go to our Portfolio item pages, they still have the /portfolio/ part of the hyperlink. We have enabled permalinks and updated the code. Any ideas? Here’s our portfolio page: And here’s a Portfolio item:
    2. Is there a way to have the Swift slider automatically rotate? It seems to be static unless you physically click the arrows or swipe it on a mobile device.
    3. The spacing on our category pages seem off. For example: There is no space to the left of the author info. Honestly, I’d prefer to disable the author info as our company posts everything.
    4. Is there a way to add a custom graphic to the top of each category page instead of the standard title bar?
    5. When I create a gallery using the built-in WordPress media uploader, the images don’t display when they are clicked on. For example, at the bottom of this post:

    Post count: 10


    Post count: 10

    I feel like I’m being ignored.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    Apologies that your ticket hasn’t been looked at sooner. When you bump it, it goes to the back of the queue, as we respond to the oldest ticket first – just a note for the future.

    1) What is your permalink structure set to?

    2) It auto rotates by default?

    3) Thanks for letting us know about this, will get this fixed in the soon to be released v1.2

    4) You could add an alt background, then hide the text based on the category using some custom css?

    5) Rotates fine here?

    Apologies again for the delay.

    – Ed

    Post count: 10

    1) What is your permalink structure set to?

    Structure is :

    2) It auto rotates by default?

    It does not rotate automatically on any device I’ve tried it on. I’m using the Swift Slider, not the Revolution. Should I switch? Can I set the time on the Swift Slider? I can’t find any settings.

    5) Rotates fine here?

    Can you take a screeshot of what you see? When I click an image in the gallery, nothing loads.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    1) Fixed the guide, try this plugin  –

    2) Apologies, not sure how this got changed – must have been during testing.

    /js/functions.js line 275 change to:

    slideshow: true,

    You can also find the time on line 276.

    5) I think you’ve changed it since, but from the looks of the gallery you have it set to link to the attachment page and not the image URL, which is why you’re seeing the dark screen with no image.

    – Ed

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