New Landing How can we help? Atelier A few layout customization questions

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #327948
    Post count: 23


    I searched the forum and can’t find an answer on how to customize the following elements:

    1) I’d like to change the background color of the products on the main page

    2) Change the color of the star-ratings

    3) Friendly URLs

    This URL works: but not this

    Also on the main page products are displayed like this:
    Same goes for categories. Also how can I change the main keys in an url, from product to p…

    4) How can I completely replace the footer with my own ? Can’t find a footer page

    5) Set padding for the instagram images

    6) Recently viewed widget on the main page returns “You haven’t viewed any products yet.”

    7) How can I customize the naked header area ? I can’t find where

    Thank you!

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) Will need to see a URL for this as the CSS will vary.

    2) This is set by the accent color in Customizer => Color -> Accent

    3) You need to change your permalink settings. Do this in Dashboard => Settings => Permalinks

    4) You can change the footer widgets in Dashboard => Appearance => Widgets. The copyright can be changed in Theme Options => Footer Options.

    5) What specifically do you want to change?

    6) Are you on the latest WC + theme version? The theme does not interact with this, it’s default WC functionality.

    7) What specifically do you want to change? You set the header modules in Theme Options => Header Options.

    Post count: 23
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) That’s the image itself. Not a background color:

    2) Please add a screenshot of the content you refer to.

    Post count: 23

    So, how can I change the image, text, etc on the top carousel widget. The one that says: Inside Atelier: A Sneak….

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    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @catalin

    That is a Swift Slider slide – select Swift Slider > Swift Slider from the WordPress admin menu, then you can edit the slides there.


    – Ed

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