Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • #63728
    Post count: 27


    1. Go to top/Gå til top in the buttom, how do i change the font color on that?
    2. In a product category where there is no products, it writes “No products found which match your selection” I can’t change that to my 3. language, not in the theme language files, nor WooCommerce language files.
    4. How do I remove the picture that comes on new or free products, labeled “FREE” or “NEW”?
    5. How do I remove the tab “Reviews” on the product page? I have turned it off in WooCommerce, but that didn’t help.
    6. The info boxes after the WooCommerce upgrade or theme upgrade, how do I change the style of them? They doesn’t quite fit the theme.
    7. The “Category” doesn’t change when translated in theme language file and WooCommerce language file.

    If some of these things are easier to change than explain, please feel free to login at our admin and change it.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Please could you open separate threads for each question, if they are not related. You will find that they will get answered much quicker. Threads with many questions often get confusing and it takes a long time to get them all answered. We can only spend 10-15 minutes on each thread.

    – Kyle

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