Hi There,
This morning I updated my website to v1.90 and I have a few issues.
1) On the home page, I have a Curtain Slider and the Continue (Down Arrow) button has disappeared again. (I reported this previously, but it was fixed in the next update). I’ve got around the problem for now by adding a custom button to Slide Content, but it’s not ideal.
2) See attached image. Menus with 3 levels are messed up. Menus with only 2 levels seem fine.
3) Some of my pages have an image on the left of the page, with the actual page content on the right. When these pages load they don’t always show correctly, that is part of the content is missing. (see second attached image). If you reload the page, then it’s fine (see third image) but I can’t expect my users to know that! It only seems to be an issue in non-IE browsers though.
Many thanks,
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