New Landing How can we help? Cardinal A Couple Little Issues

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #209926
    Post count: 144

    Oh, and I’m wondering if you’d be able to inform me on what Cardinal’s CSS media queries are? That slider CSS we changed earlier to have no spacing is also pushing up the slider on desktop, which had no spacing to begin with. I’d like the custom slider CSS to only affect the tablet/mobile views.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Put the CSS inside this:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { 

    – Kyle

    Post count: 144

    Thanks Kyle, I wanted it to work with landscape iPad too, so I just bumped the dimensions up to 1024px width. Works great.

    Still looking for a reply for my previous question before that.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Hi @HiroiSekai,

    I’m bit lost in the replies.
    Can you let me know again what is your last issue remaining? Or tell me the reply number?



    Post count: 144

    Hi Rui,

    My main problem seems to be within my FTP. I enter my Bluehost FTP password and user credentials and successfully connect, but any changes I make seem to have no actual effect on the site. My only guess is that my FTP login is connecting to a different server of files or something strange like that. Therefore, I’ve been making short changes to my child theme’s style.css through WordPress’ backend Editor feature. However, not only does this editor not stylize any text to make organization easier, but it often demands that I clear my cache constantly to see updates. I’d like my FTP to function normally if possible. It’s also another big problem that I can’t add files like post-formats.php or any other files to this backend editor, so I’m stuck with a few easily fixable issues.

    I also see this error constantly on my backend:

    File Permission Issues
    We were unable to modify required files. Please ensure that /home1/hiroisek/public_html/hs/wp-content/uploads/ has the proper read-write permissions, or modify your wp-config.php file to contain your FTP login credentials as outlined here..

    I don’t know where it came from or what it’s affecting, but clearly something is not functioning as it should. Ultimately, I’d like to be able to access my FTP and actually have my edits affect the site when I save them. They’re currently not doing that.

    Finally, this is a small thing, but I’ve been having this small problem since I first installed WordPress, but I can’t log in using /wp-admin. It will accept my login credentials, then loop back to the login screen as if nothing happened. I have to go to /wp-login.php, then it somehow seems to work. It’s not a big issue, but it’s causing confusion with everyone I’m asking assistance from.

    Many thanks,

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Thomas,

    1) You will need to contact your hosting support about your FTP issues, they will need to check your hosting details.

    2) Are you running any security/login/account related plugins? If so, try disabling those.

    – David.

    Post count: 144

    Hi David, the previous issues all seem to have disappeared after sorting out some little things. Thank you on the assistance.

    Got a couple new things I’d like to check:

    1. The Parallax block in the Swift Page Builder always seems to default back to “This is a parallax text block. Click the edit button to change this text”, even though I want it to be kept at just a blank image using the parallax effect. This is tedious because every time I save a new edit, I have to go into every parallax block and re-delete the sample text. Is there a way to fix this?

    2. The parallax scrolling effect does not seem to work on any mobile devices. Is this a bug or a limitation of the hardware/software? If it is easily fixable to work on mobile, how would I achieve that? If it isn’t simple, what is the CSS I can use to ensure that these still images aren’t cropped on the edges on smaller devices like iPads and iPhones? I tried a few media query CSS rules with no luck.

    3. My “Preview Post” button does not seem to work anymore on WordPress. Clicking it redirects to my Posts page on the backend. Any ideas on why this is occurring?

    Post count: 144

    I also still need to know how to properly move certain files like sf-post-formats.php to my child theme so I can access them from the WordPress Editor in the backend. My changes are still being reverted when updating Cardinal.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Post count: 144
    This reply has been marked as private.
    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    We cannot assist you with your FTP issues, you will need to contact your host directly with any issues regarding that.


    Post count: 144

    Hi David,

    I don’t think I mentioned any FTP issues? Cardinal’s Parallax block is auto-regenerating the default placeholder text every time and I’d just like to see it remedied, as it is quite annoying to have to go into each of my blocks for a post and delete the placeholder text each time I just want to make a tiny edit to my post.

    I don’t think the issue with my Preview Post button misdirecting me to the Posts page is FTP related either, and I’m hoping the team maybe could have a peek at the Stellar.js library. Seems decently easy to use and implement, and it would allow for some pretty cool parallax effects on mobile.

    Would appreciate the help, thanks.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Apologies, I thought you mentioned your FTP paths were directing to the wrong folders.

    The default placeholder text is standard – I think if we remove it, it would hinder people’s UX.

    The Preview Post button will not be theme related, it could be caused by a plugin. You would need to deactivate your plugins and test, also you may need to test with the Twenty15 theme.

    Stellar.js is included with theme, what effect are you looking for?

    – David.

    Post count: 144

    Thanks, I’m currently using CSS to hide the default parallax text. Might I ask how removing it would hinder UX? I don’t think people are using “This is the default text. Edit to change”, and if it started off blank, it would save the trouble of erasing it to input your own text. Just my two cents. It’s just annoying because if you want to leave it blank, it will auto-regenerate all of the default text again the next time you come back to edit the post. This means you have to go into each parallax block and remove it, even if I just wanted to fix a quick typo somewhere or something like that.

    I tested the plugins by deactivating them and it still has that issue. Preview Post button is leading to the All Posts page.

    For Stellar.js, I was just hoping to add parallax scrolling to mobile devices. It’s a lot less visually appealing when you have a desktop page that shows parallax effects, then on mobile it just displays as a big static image block.

    Speaking of the parallax blocks, what is the best CSS to use to resize the image dimensions for mobile? At the moment, it’s just keeping it at 100% width and cutting off the edges of the images.

    Thanks as always,

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) Ok, that seems like a bug. I’ll need to investigate this and report it back to the team.

    2) This is tricky as it looks like they are set to window height. However this maybe able to assist you:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .spb_parallax_asset.parallax-window-height {
        height: auto!important;

    3) We do not use parallax effects on mobiles screens as iOS does not handle animations whilst scrolling.


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