New Landing How can we help? Cardinal A Couple Little Issues

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #206874
    Post count: 144

    Hi David,

    I have not changed my login settings, I’m not really sure why it isn’t working? I added the child theme folder from the ThemeForest download into my themes folder, are there any additional steps that I missed?

    5) To be honest, I would like to hear the solution for the Swift Slider, because that gave pretty much the same result.

    Thanks for the link to WerkPress, I sent them a query, but my budget is quite limited. I will await their response, but I’d like to know why the child theme isn’t working and how to remove the extra responsive padding from the Swift Slider beforehand, if possible.

    Thanks as always,

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    It sounds like you have not uploaded the child theme correctly.

    Do not upload it into your Atelier theme folder, it needs to be in the wp-content/themes folder, you can upload it like a normal theme zip file also.

    Once uploaded, please activate it and it will take effect.


    Post count: 144

    Hi David,

    Installing through the WordPress uploader is nice. Strangely though, I still can’t get any changes in this new child folder to stick. I’d really appreciate a look into what’s happening, as this has been an ongoing issue. My best guess is that something with my FTP is incorrect and I’m accessing files that aren’t affecting my live site, since I see thumbnail height set to null in swift-framework post-formats.php, but it remains cut off on the home page. This might explain the child theme issues too.

    P.S. I checked with WerkPress and they only deal with larger projects with a hefty budget over $4000. They pointed me to a child site of theirs that does smaller jobs, but even that was quite pricey. I even hopped over to where the cost seemed to be very reasonable, but it turned out to be a community that just jumps at the opportunity, but actually lack the skills to complete the task once the details are shown. I don’t believe the few changes I am asking about are overly difficult (maybe minus the about page tabs), do you have any additional recommendations for getting assistance on this?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Sure, I’ll log in and take a look and the child theme, however those login details no longer work – can you add the new ones?

    Another three places to get a freelancer:


    Post count: 144
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Thomas,

    That login does not work for me, can verify it does and update here?

    – David.

    Post count: 144

    Hi David,

    Just retested the login, it works fine for me here.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Sorry, but this is not working. My steps:

    1) I enter the details
    2) Login form loops back to login form, asks for human check
    3) I enter the maths calculation
    4) Form loops back to form

    Please disable and login form security plugins you are using.


    Post count: 144

    Hi David, I have no security plugins for login. I always did notice a very strange bug where the form loops when going to Have you tried and entered the login info there? That’s what I always have to do with my login. Not sure why it does that, but I never got a fix for it.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hey Thomas,

    I used wp-login.php and it worked great with those login details.


    Your child theme is activated and setup correctly. You can add your desired custom CSS to the style.css file. What CSS did you want to add? I notice you are using a cache plugin, when updating the CSS, remember to empty your plugn cached files for changes to take effect.


    To remove the spacing from above the Meta Slider, use this custom CSS to override their CSS:

    div#metaslider_13551 {
        margin: 0 auto!important;


    Post count: 144

    Hi David, the CSS for the slider worked well, thank you. As for the child theme, I still think there’s an issue, most likely with FTP. I moved all of my CSS from the Jetpack plugin to style.css, cleared the cache twice and refreshed, and it reverted back to having no CSS at all. I’m not sure what’s happening- my best guess is that my FTP login is somehow leading me to a different host of files or something. I did a manual install of the child theme to this FTP login before, and it didn’t show up on the themes list on the WP backend at all.

    What’s the easiest way to look up if this is the cause of issue or not? I think the Cardinal-child folder I’m currently uploading to is in no way affiliated to the child theme I uploaded through the WP backend. Something weird is going on.

    Post count: 144

    Oh, and the Twitch Social Icon is fixed now, many thanks! However, clicking it doesn’t lead to, but it just leads to If you’re on Chrome, it even gives you a security warning before redirecting to the page. Would like to see that fixed.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    You can check and add to your child theme CSS file here:

    Appearance => Editor => Cardinal Child Theme => style.css

    I have added your custom CSS from JetPack, I can verify this is now in the stylesheet:

    If you now remove the code from JetPack, the new styles in the child theme should take over. Remember to clear your cache plugin.


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Regarding your Twitch query, please remove the s from the https you added in Your Twitch URL setting.


    Post count: 144

    Ah, direct access to the files from the WP backend, why didn’t I think of that? That’s very good, many thanks. I also should have figured I put the link as a secure HTTP. It doesn’t seem to be sending back a security warning, but it’s still not going to, but just to the Twitch homepage.

    Now, I currently only see functions.php and style.css in the Editor on WordPress. How would I go about bringing in all of the editable PHP files from the original Cardinal theme to start overwriting settings using the Child theme?

    Many thanks as always, appreciate the continued support.

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