New Landing How can we help? Cardinal 502 Bad Gateway

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #102277
    Post count: 44


    I have my website in WpEngine Hosting. Today I tried to continue working in my web site and I get a 502 Error (Bad Gateway). Last time I was working with the website, I was just see the “Clients custom post type” to introduce some clients, but I couldn’t as the website (backend) did not load correctly. The support told this:

    # User@Host: testalimmenta[testalimmenta] @ localhost []
    # Thread_id: 9903261  Schema: wp_testalimmenta  Last_errno: 0  Killed: 0
    # Query_time: 4.526572  Lock_time: 0.000042  Rows_sent: 363537  Rows_examined: 2557765  Rows_affected: 0  Rows_read: 2557765
    SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM wp_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (81,82,85,89,11062,11233,11234,11245) ORDER BY meta_id ASC /* From [] in [/nas/wp/www/cluster-2588/testalimmenta/wp-content/themes/cardinal/swift-framework/content/sf-portfolio.php:81] */;
    This is one of the specific queries that is running for a long time, which is the most common cause of 502s. I would recommend switching themes for testing to see if any 502s remain.
    It also appears that the wp_postmeta table is very large, at roughly 2 million rows. If any optimization is performed on this table, that should also help.

    Now I will load a backup of the site to continue working. And I will check if this problem happens again. If you need further information I can give access to my website and load any backup.

    Post count: 44
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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    It’s normal the increase in wp_postmeta is where is stored the major part of the information in a WordPress database.

    We have no other issues reported on this, so that 502 could be a temporary issue in your server. You didn’t changed anything and now it’s working.

    Check if you installed any plugin recently that can be causing any additional conflict.


    Post count: 44

    I restored a copy of my website from 3 days ago (I have not done any development during these days) in order to continue working. I will try to find where the problem comes. I have just normal plugins installed (Akismet, Contact Form 7…) except a video sitemap plugin.

    Thank you for your fast answer.

    What I see in the database is that most of the images create 17 rows in the wp_postmeta table with information like this

    Is it normal?

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Yes that’s normal. When you upload one image are created several different formats of 1 image. If you check the uploads folder you will see exactly what I mean.

    All that information is stored in wp_postmeta.


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