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  • #13664
    Post count: 14

    I LOVE THE THEME. I have just 3 issues:

    1. How do I change color of accent color and footer text color? I tried viewing Colour Scheme Options section and I can’t seem to change anything. I also tired uploading my onw csv file. When I do, I get a box saying “Schema added. Check the colour scheme preview dropdown.” But when I do, my scheme is not there. Please help.

    2. On my home page, my latest product all show very blurry and pixelated ( Also, on a product page, my main images are great, however on the “related products” below, the images are again blurry and pixelated ( I have upload all good quality photos and don’t understand why some sections are clear and some are not. Please help.

    3. How do I create a “Track your Order” link and page like you have on the demo site ( I cant seem to find anything in WooCommerce that allows this. Please help!

    Thanks in advance!!!!


    Post count: 128

    Please tell me how you fixed your homepage image in the slider area, it’s very good.

    Post count: 14

    Thanks. I never had the a problem with the the slider image. it works fine. I’m having problems with the images below the slider. They are very unclear. I’m waiting on support team to tell me how to fix.

    Post count: 128

    I was wanting to know how you created the image with the text.

    Post count: 14

    I created it in Photoshop. Just took my guy with tshirt image and place it on top of grey background. And added text. Then I saved it as jpg and placed it in the Revolution Slider. as a slide.

    Post count: 14

    Hello!! Can someome PLEASE help me?? I have resolved my first 2 issues, however I still need help with my 3rd question:
    “3. How do I create a “Track your Order” link and page like you have on the demo site ( I cant seem to find anything in WooCommerce that allows this. Please help!”

    Post count: 128

    juanmims1, did you install the demo contents? If so, you should have a page that says Track your order. You can add that page to your menu for the top menu bar or footer.

    And, if you don’t have a page already created, create a page that says Track your order”, and input this shortcode for the page >[woocommerce_order_tracking].

    Then you can go to menus and select it to add to the top bar menu or footer.

    Hope this helps!

    Post count: 14

    Thanks meevi!! This is perfect. You seem to be the only one responding to my posts? I cant find the support team.

    Thanks again!

    Post count: 14

    Also, meevi, I never installed demo content. How do I do so? I just installed the theme I downloaded.

    Post count: 128

    You’re very welcome and good luck!

    The support seems kind of null and void and not very helpful here for some odd reason…not good at all. I’ve been trying to just find solutions on my own now.

    Post count: 128

    I installed it by the WordPress installer in the admin. Install the WordPress Importer plugin if you don’t have it, and then activate it. Once you activate it, go to Tools > import and then click on WordPress. Once, you are there, click on choose file. Go into the folder where you have downloaded the Neighborhood_v1.1 theme, and open the Demo Content folder. Then you should see the demo alt and demo full xml file…choose one and just wait until you see the message that says all done! I installed both.

    Good luck!

    Post count: 14

    Will this effect my current pages? I already have my full woocommerce pages and other pages and they work fine.

    Post count: 128

    It will add to the content you have already created. If you feel you don’t need to install it, you don’t have to. I installed it prior to uploading my products so I could have a guide to go by and not have to create new pages and menus. I also wanted to have most of the content needed such as the menus, slider and pages.

    Post count: 14

    Gotcha. One last question. Do you know how to get rid of the tabs in the corner of my product thumbnails? Take a look

    I don’t want the “new” and “out of stock” tab on my product images.

    Thanks again! You have been really helpful!

    Post count: 128

    To change the”new” labels from appearing, just modify the published date on that product page by setting it back by a month, click ok and then update. As for out of stock, you will need to make sure you have that product set to inventory > in stock.

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