New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Pinpoint 3 challenges out of the gate

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  • Posted in: Pinpoint
  • #79669
    Post count: 3

    Hi –

    I just installed Pinpoint and am having a few issues right out of the gate. I am currently developing the site at

    1) Making room for the navigation. I have one navigation item that doesn’t fit onto the first line, so it’s making a second line. Evidently it’s not a problem in IE, but it breaks in all the other browsers. What I have been trying to do is create a custom CSS class to widen the div – and also make the menubar controls div more narrow. None of my css tricks seem to be working. Any suggestions there would be greatly appreciated. Creating fewer menu items is not really the solution I’m looking for.

    2) Swift Frameworks Shortcodes are not working. From the page editor I click the SFS button to open the dialog box. It opens up, I make my selection, but when I click to insert the shortcode, nothing happens.

    3) Video size not taking. I used the Swift Page Editor to create a video element. I specified a video size, but no matter what I enter, the video always fills up the page.

    Thanks for your help!

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032



    nav#main-navigation { width: auto!important;

    2 we would need to have your login details to debug fully, but for now please try deactivating all your plugins to see if that solves it. If not, let us know your wp-admin login details please.

    3 Same as 2 basically.


    Post count: 3

    Thank you for the css code. That did the trick.

    I will give you the admin login info, because I deactivated all the plugins, which weren’t many, and still had the same problems from #2 and #3 above.

    I also applied the theme update just now, but that didn’t seem to help.

    Username: tempAdmin
    Password: tempPW4Me

    The page that I have been testing this out on, and that I have the video on, is called ‘America’s Test Kitchen’. It is currently just a draft.


    Post count: 3

    ooh, and one other thing, could I ask? I’m not sure if this is something you give support on, but I really like how the home page slider on your demo site on fills up the space on the page – touching the borders of the nav menu and the left and right borders of the page. Not a full-width slider that fills up the entire browser window, but just that 1000px wide page. How does one go about doing that? Or, do you know of a resource that explains how to do that?


    Post count: 3

    Okay, now, for whatever reason, the shortcodes are working. That’s good news.

    But, I’m still having a problem with #3, which is getting the video element to display the video size correctly…

    …and still wondering about how to size the revolution slider.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    Sorry for the delay in reply, your additional comments took you back in the queue (as per our support policy).

    #3 – The video size is simply the size of the video, not how it will display on the front end. The reasoning behind this is that in order for the video to be responsive, it needs to fit to the grid. If you need the video smaller, than reduce the asset size in the page builder, or add a custom iframe embed.

    Rev slider – If you add the slider like this, then it should do what you’re looking for! (basically adding it in the page meta options, rather than as a page builder asset.


    – Ed

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