New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood 2nd Attempt to get feedback: Variation Images

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  • #27952
    Post count: 8

    I am reposting my first post that has been neglected:


    Setting variation images is easy, but when the variation is selected in the store, the variation image fails to render. Mind you, the price shows up, but the image is random at best.

    I have been able to successfully trigger the issue without fail esp. when their are gallery images. When browsing, if you click on the gallery and then go to select a size of the product, the variation will not load on the product page. It’s weird.

    Another bug, along the same lines, is that the thumbnail in the gallery will load another image in the main photo viewer.

    I will post a private message with the website and login details so that the backend can be checked.

    Thank you!”

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Same response as in your old thread:

    What is the problem with my response? 🙂 The developer has been notified about this issue and is working with everyone on a solution in the other thread. We cannot talk about the same thing twice in the forums, sorry. You will have to follow the other thread.

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