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  • #61207
    Post count: 38

    Hi There

    I have two queries.

    1)The first one I have mentioned before and was told the latest update would fix it , but it is still unfortunately doing it.
    The query was-

    We are having a slight problem with product images.
    We love that when you hover over a product image it flips to another image-which we like to use as a close up of the product.
    The first product pic that you see is the “featured” pic and then it flips to the first ”project gallery” pic.
    The problem is that when we change a product to a ‘variable product’ with different pictures set for each variable this doesn’t work properly anymore..
    When you first arrive on the product page the variable drop down changes the set image for that particular product-this is correct.
But if you decide to view another pic in the gallery (the other pics that sit below the image- this is where our close up gallery pic sits) then the drop down variable select does not change the image to the selected product anymore.
    If i select the first image again- then the drop down select works again.
    So the drop down variable select is only working with the ‘featured image’ and not with the ‘Project Gallery images’
    This is a problem for us as we want to keep the close up pic in the ‘Project Gallery’ for our flip over effect but without the client loosing the ability to see the different products should they select that in the gallery.
    The user may not be aware that by selecting a 2nd gallery image first… that it does not then switch between product images. So basically we would prefer the variable selection always overrides the image on the left, irrespective as to what it is.’

    Please let me know if there is a fix for this. You can see this is action here-

    2)The second query involves the dimensions of a variable product.
    We would like the dimensions to appear only when variation products are selected from the drop down and not on the product lading page.. At the moment If I do not put in dimensions under ‘shipping’, none of the variation products dimensions show.

    This is problematic as the main product page is for all the sub products and doesn’t have one particular dimension.

    See Alex range for example- As you arrive on the page you see ‘additional information’ where there are dimensions, when you switch between products on the drop down select the dimensions to change to those products. As a entire range of couches, to have just one dimension on the landing page is illogical. If I remove these dimensions from ‘shipping’, then the rest of the products dimensions do not show anymore.

    Is there a way to have all the variation products dimensions show, but not the dimensions on th product landing page?

    Your help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you kindly

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please provide some screenshots with text marked so i can debug and resolve the issue easily .
    Thanks 🙂
    With Best Regards
    Swift Ideas

    Post count: 38

    Hi Mohammad

    Thanks for the response.
    I have created two images describing the two queries.
    Please let me know if it is not clear.

    Kind Regards

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Now start with first issue .
    I checked it .I selected colors black and get black image ,Red get red images etc. No issue as you explained . What are the steps to produce errors ?
    I tested with

    Thanks 🙂
    With Best Regards
    Swift Ideas

    Post count: 38


    Yes, when you land on the page it works when you select the variations. The pictures change per variation.

    Th problem comes in when you select one of the other gallery images under the pic- THEN try select the variations-the pic does not change anymore.

    Does this make sense?

    Thank you!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    It works fine, the problem is, you select the second image, then select a variation (you don’t see it change because it’s the first image that’s changed) if you click the first image again, you will see that it has changed color.

    – Kyle

    Post count: 38

    Hi Kyle

    Yes I know that it changes when you click back. But that is not intuitive. Is there perhaps a fix that no matter what gallery pic you are on, the drop down selector pic overrides that pic?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Well this is down to WooCommerce, so you’re best speaking to them

    – Kyle

    Post count: 38

    Hi Kyle

    Can you please explain how this is a woo commerce issue?
    They way in which it treats the images is something that is controllable in the theme surely?
    There is no problem with woo commerce. The problem is the way the images are treated.
    We need the image to change to the variable pic regardless of which gallery pic we are on.


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, does the same happen if you are on a default WP theme like twentythirteen?
    The images and variable products are generated by woocommerce (you will notice that because if you deactivate the plugin WooCommerce you cannot set a product up anymore, hence no variable product or product image)


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