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  • Posted in: Uplift
  • #304354
    Post count: 40

    Hey guys,

    1. I currently have my homepage as a ONE PAGE website with anchor links. However, I have 2 separate pages (CONTACT and FRANCHISES) that are setup on their own. I’d like to know how I can modify the menu so that when someone clicks on the ANCHOR link when on a page, it brings a person to the proper section on the homepage. At the moment, when I click… nothing happens. I tried the “CUSTOM MENU” setting in the page options but since i’m using the center logo with 2 menus (LEFT & RIGHT) it doesn’t seem to work.

    **I also tried to add the full links in my regular menu with #anchor links but when I do so the links don’t smooth scroll down when clicked**

    2. I added information for the mobile menu header section: I’d like the phone number to be clickable. Can you tell me how to get this done please? (I tried adding a href link in the field but it didn’t work)

    I have provided you with my website so you can take a look and help me out.

    Thanks in advance !

    **TO VIEW URL (POP UP)**
    UN: flywheel
    PW: frits-main

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) You create two different menus and assign the deep linking one to the internal pages, the one page nav menu to the homepage. However this would not be possible with the current split header.

    2) Please read this answer:

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