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Hi all!

Ed, I’m not sure if you got the mail I sent yesterday, maybe not.

The link to the web is You will see there is only a blog page published, it is because I’m trying to fix everything before publish it completly. (And you will see too what I told about the sizes of the items in masonry blog). In the bottom of the page you will see the ‘>’ symbols.

After the upload this morning, I notice a few things changed, and I got again the language selector positioned on the header menu, but the rest of the things are the same, but seems the problems with the plugins instalation is not only for WPML, now I found it also for the Events Calendar, and I’m affraid of trying others for the carousel :(.

About the WPML plugin, they send the upload link, and when I try it, I get a message saying that the update pack is not avaliable.

Trophias, thank you for your recomendation. I have installed it, but it doesn’t work. I could add the link at the header menu by adding the link, but I can’t edit the calendar page in anyway, (changing title, for example), because it doesn’t appear in the pages lists and the theme doesn’t give me access to. Do you know some way to do that? Thank you 🙂

Thank you all for your help!