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Hi, Kyle

Thanks for your answer. The page is set as the shop page.

When I went to Products > Attributes (earlier), it showed the demo content attributes so I had thought that it probably wasn’t the issue, although I had noticed that there was no name for the attributes, only a slug, so I gave the attributes names but that didn’t work either. (should there be a name, does it matter?)

So, now I created a new attribute and tried adding a product, and it showed up along with the ‘Size’ demo content attribute. Which I dont understand why (yet), but well, something is working which is great. Thank you for that.

Im just curious to know why the demo content doesn’t work though? Have any idea why?
Also, did you know why the Shop page content doesn’t show in Pages?

Because I am new at this, I wanted to pick all the pages I wanted for my site and get everything to work and after achieving that, I would start swapping the demo content with my own. Is that a bogus way of going about building my website?