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Post count: 29

Ok,I have the same question (wanting to add another icon in the social icon header) but I haven’t figured out how to change the code to add just ONE single icon instead of one icon after every social icons

the code that was posted above:

$social_icons .= '<li class="envelope"><a href=".../contact-us/" target="_blank"><i class="fa-envelope"></i><i class="fa-envelope"></i></a></li>'."\n";

returns a page result of *twitter icon* *envelope icon* *facebook icon* *envelope icon* *github icon* *envelope icon* *youtube icon* *envelope icon* *flickr icon* *envelope icon*

instead of the desired look of adding just the ONE icon at the end of the string.

And my mucking about in the shortcodes.php trying to decipher how to change the above code isn’t working.
How do I modify the code to add an additional icon in that row?