New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform Portfolio Items disappearing/missing suddenly and appearing again

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #9937
    Post count: 1

    Hello Guys,

    first of all thanks for this awesome theme! So far everything went allright but there is only one really strange problem with the Portfolio.

    Now I have 22 Items in my Portfolio but only 12 are displayed. Also when I open the Filter-Tab I get “12” displayed next to the “ALL”-Button although 22 are created.

    All the Items have the status “published” and have a category assigned like Logo, Print etc.

    When I refresh the page, sometimes some more Items appear, but after refreshing again the disappear. For example I have 2 Items in my Rollups category and sometimes when refreshing I get 2 displayed but most of the times only one of those items is displayed.

    Anyone had this bug before? Couldnt find anything so far here in the forum.
    My Page is currently developed locally so I cant provide you a link yet.

    Thank you in advance guys.



    Post count: 1

    I changed the amount of displayed items now it seems to be working normally.
    Can be closed, thanks.


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