New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform mobile menu breaks when using portfolio gallery plugin

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #98607

    Everything works fine until i go to portfolio link.. then the mobile menu stops working..
    Seems some jquery problem. I’m using for portfolio because I like it better than what flexform offers in that regard.. I had a blank page with [huge_it_portfolio id=”2″] in it.. I also created a text box (full width) and put that shortcode in it to see if that would wrap it safely.. none of that worked..

    What is the best way to use shortcodes like [huge_it_portfolio id=”2″] w/n a page? Or that has nothing to do with it? It is just that the jquery from the plugin is stepping on the jquery for flexform? If so, any ideas how to make them both work other than me just using flexform’s portfolio and not huge-it portfolio..

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    It seems to be jQuery conflict caused by the Portfolio plugin you have installed.
    Sorry but we can’t assist you in on 3rd Party plugins issues.


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