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  • #98079
    Post count: 102


    I’ve got the WooCommerce sidebar setup as the default sidebar for my shop. In it I have the WooCommerce layered nav to be able to choose brands and go directly to the page with products from only that brand.

    The problem I’m having is that it’s only showing in the main page of the shop called ‘Grooming’. If I go in to one of the subcategories it does not show. How do I make it show in every part of the shop?


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    have you assigned your sidebar to the category or taxonomy pages somehow? Or did you just assign it to the main shop page and expected it to work on the subpages?

    Let me know!
    All the best,

    Post count: 102

    Hi Melanie,

    No the sidebar has been assigned to all pages manually. It’s there in almost all it’s glory on all of the pages. Except for the brand dropdown.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    WooCommerce widgets only work on WooCommerce pages, for e.g. the shop page, category pages, product pages etc. The pages you have created for your categories are not woocommerce pages, you have just added a shop products page builder asset. The actual pages you would need to use for your categories are the ones that you get if you click on the category link of your product, for e.g. instead of

    it should be

    – Kyle

    Post count: 102

    Hi Kyle,

    I see, but that would in turn make it impossible for me to put a text block above the products. Correct?

    Is there another widget/plugin that I can use for this purpose?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Yes that’s correct because those pages are automatically generated with php files. I do not know of any other widget, feel free to look.

    – Kyle

    Post count: 102

    Hmm alright. If I make a new custom menu, as I’ve done with the subcategories for the shop, but for my brands. Is there a way to create in a curtain way? So customers can minimize it and expand it as they go?

    Post count: 102

    By the way, while I’m at it. Along with WooCommerce layered nav I’m using WooCommerce Product Search and WooCommerce Cart in my menu. But these widgets work on the subcategory pages. What’s the difference? ^o)

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Sorry not sure what you mean about ‘minimise and expand as they go’?

    The WooCommerce Layered Nav needs to have products on the page for it to filter, the others do not. If you needed more information about it please contact WooCommerce support as it is not controlled by the theme

    – Kyle

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