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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #94918
    Post count: 35

    Hello, I have a couple of questions

    1) When I see the site in my cell phone the menu shows as a big button that says “Select a page”. This is not very user friendly for people who don’t speak English. How can I change “Select a page” for “Menu”

    2) What are the recommended image sizes for Woocommerce products to avoid distortion. What is the recommended image size of the product image and product gallery images?

    3) How can I add a button as a menu item?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) Open up header.php and change line 213 and 328.

    2) A minimum of 540px wide

    3) Im afraid this is not possible as standard, you would have to use custom css to the individual menu item

    – Kyle

    Post count: 35

    I have decided not to use a main menu but when I see my site in mobile version, I do see an empty main menu. How do I hide the main menu button in mobile version?

    Also, the top menu shows as a gray button that says “Select a page”. This is not very user friendly for people who don’t speak English. How can I change “Select a page” for “Menu”

    The way the menues are displayed in Flexform are very old fashion. I think you should consider changing the responsive menus the same way as DANTE.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) Add this to your custom css: {
      display: none!important;

    2) Go to flexform/wp-content/themes/flexform/header.php and edit:

    <div class="container">
      212  					<div class="row">
      213: 						<a href="#" class="visible-phone show-menu"><?php _e("Select a page", "swiftframework"); ?><i class="icon-angle-down"></i></a>
      214  						<nav id="top-bar-menu" class="top-menu span8 clearfix">						
      215  							<div id="aux-nav">
      327  								<!--// OPEN MAIN NAV //-->
      328: 								<a href="#" class="visible-phone show-menu"><?php _e("Select a page", "swiftframework"); ?><i class="icon-angle-down"></i></a>
      329  								<nav id="main-navigation">

    – Kyle

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