New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Buddypress vs. Directory question

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #94807
    Post count: 73

    I don’t have a specific link to show or problem with ask about. My question is for the client site I’m working on. It’s a membership site where they want members to be able to add their information to a membership directory listing. Of course, the directory function would be perfect, but it’s more for places vs. people. I know the question was asked in the featured section about making the directory section more robust – any ideas on when that might happen? If it’s not any time soon – could the same things be done with Buddypress? Could there be a member directory page, possibly organized by category? A listing where the member can add their own information, upload a photo, etc. Or should I look into a directory listing plugin?


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi Kendall,

    I think BuddyPress would likely be the better option, unless something like this would be a better fit?

    – Ed

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