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  • #89655
    Post count: 39


    for the first time since I got it I tried to update Neighborhood today.
    (Never changed Theme files, it’s all in the child theme)

    At first it looked good, but then I realized checkout functionality was completely messed.
    (neigborhood issue – everything working on twentytwelve)
    (Updated WordPress, Woocommerce & Neighborhood to the latest version)

    It says never change a running system and this proved to be true.
    But I really want to update after such a long time. I could feel performance improvements,
    but everythimng makes no sense if your shop isn’t working anymore.

    The problem is I can’t go through forums waitng for replies whilst I’m constantly losing money.
    Are you offering an update service?
    I’ll pay for it. I mean this should work on it’s own,
    but I rather pay a pro instead of messing up my shop, and waiting days for replies.

    If it’s not possible to offer this service, could you please give me exact version numbers of woocommerce & neighborhood that will work together for sure?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    What’s the issue? It seems fine to me (see screenshot)

    It’s best to update the theme each time an update is released, if you jump from version 1.1 to 1.8 for e.g. you are likely to experience some issues as a lot of things will be updated/changed

    – Kyle

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