New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Wishlist (Send all Items to email as Enquiry on favorite Items)

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  • #89631
    Post count: 122

    Hey Guys! Do you have ideas how better to do that thing?
    I have catalog items on my website with NO price. And i want to make my customers send me special Enquiry email with names of items included (from wishlist)

    How better to do that?

    Or do you gonna provide in future that option maybe?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I’m afraid that’s not something the theme provides itself, maybe you can find a plugin to do so or create a form for people to send you an email with the products they want.

    The idea of the wishlist from our perspective was for the user only, to save the items they want so that they can come back to them later

    – Kyle

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