New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Pinpoint Lightbox Not Working

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  • Posted in: Pinpoint
  • #8861
    Post count: 2

    Having a problem where the lightbox does not work. Looks like a similar issue to Flexform, but I can’t view the post since I have only purchased Pinpoint. When clicking image just black screen pops up and no image.

    I’m trying to use this for an image gallery, not single image. Although its busted on single image as well. Have even downloaded a Lightbox plugin to see if it would fix the issue, but it hasn’t. I would like to be able to incorporate FooBox into this, but the lightbox needs to work.

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851


    Can we please see that page? It sounds like your images are linked to an attachment page, rather than the image itself.

    If using the WordPress gallery, make sure your shortcode has link=”file” in it.



    Support Assistant

    Post count: 21

    I have previously posted an issue with this too, however as I am only in DEV on a local machine I cannot post.

    Previous indication was that it could be my MAMP server.

    Ill check the links but I’m using the Single Image swift page builder insert and the code produced is:

    [vc_single_image image="200" image_size="full" frame="glowframe" full_width="no" lightbox="yes" link_target="_self" width="1/3" el_position="first"]

    And in HTML it is:

    <div class="wpb_content_element wpb_single_image glowframe span4">
    <div class="wpb_wrapper"><figure class="lightbox clearfix">
    <div class="overlay"><div class="thumb-info"><i class="icon-search"></i></div></div>black-stump-festival-2012-lots-of-watts-australia-3</figure>

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851

    When you hover your mouse over the image that should open in a lightbox, where does it say the URL leads? Does it end in .jpg or something like that?

    It could be because of MAMP/local server, it could also be because of a JS error – can’t know without seeing it, unfortunately.



    Support Assistant

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    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851
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    Post count: 21

    I have now noticed that the url where this does work is point to a jpg for example but when it is not there is no link to a file in the url.

    Not sure how this can happen as I have simply used the built in control.

    Whilst Im happy to go back and rectify,Id like to understand why so I don’t waste any time. Is this a known issue or a know fix?

    I have rectified 1 page simply by re-saving the swiftpage builder without changing the image, saving the page and reviewing


    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851

    Not sure what you meant to say, but for the lightbox to work, a link must lead to an image file – it won’t trigger otherwise.


    Cosmin – Support

    Post count: 21

    Just so others know, I used the swift page builder BUT when I first used it, the image placed did not create a link to an image, even though the thumbnail was visible. When hovering over the thumbnail created it was not linked to an image…

    That is I used the built in controls and it did not work.

    However, when I simply went back to those images saved and saved the update, the theme corrected itself and inserted the image so it now works.

    Just for others in case they have the same issue

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