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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #85803

    Hi Swift Ideas

    First of all, thank you for a beautiful theme. We are very happy about it and have bought it twice 🙂

    I need to translate two phrases regarding the portfolio on

    “Filter our work” needs to be “Se kategorier” and
    “All” needs be be “Alle”.

    I have tried using Codestyling Localization without luck. I have also tried to find the phrases in php files, so I can change them directly, but also without luck. Can you help me?

    Wordpress verion: 3.8.1 I believe. We haven’t updated to 3.9.1.
    Flexform version: 1.5

    User: PalomaMarketing
    Password: Pa1989loma

    Thank you.

    Best regards,
    Karin Brinks Melbye
    Paloma Marketing

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    You can translate it create a specific translation file for you language that should be placed inside the directory “flexform/language”

    Not advised because the theme updates, but you can change it in flexform\includes\page-builder\composer\lib\shortcodes\portfolio.php line 42 and line 45

    Best Regards,

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)

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