New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Products disappeared after installing WPML

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  • #82836
    Post count: 18

    Hi there,

    I installed the WPML plugin a few weeks back and my website was working fine. Yesterday I installed the sticky links and the rest of the WPML plugins to start translating my shop, and all of the products of the main shop page went away, you can see them once you click on the categories, but all product pages show 404 error.

    I deactivated all the new plugins but it’s the same. All my plugins and the Neighborhood theme are updated. I’m wondering if I could get some help here or if it is an issue I should resolve with WPML support.

    You can check my shop page here:


    Flavia M.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Please can you switch to the twenty fourteen theme and let me know if the problem still happens?

    – Kyle

    Post count: 18

    Hi Kyle,

    It’s ok, I got this resolved by WPML support.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Ok great! 🙂

    – Kyle

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