Hello, I purchased the Flexform theme yesterday and I am putting together a lifestyle/blog website. I have a few questions:
1. Where do you input the custom CSS? Is it general options > Custom CSS? Or Misc Options > Extra Page Class? Do they differ from each other in any way? Is there a directory of custom CSS? (if not, that would be extremely helpful)
2. Can I resize the swift sliders (e.g. alter height without affecting image (background either side?)) and place at any place on the page?
3. Can I put swift sliders wherever I want on a page or a post? E.g. align right of a wall of text. Is this a ‘revolution slider’ idea? Can you wrap text around a slider/revolution slider? For example, put a slider aligned right of this text.
4. How can I remove the right sidebar completely? I still have a blank space on the right of my ‘All Posts’ and category sections of menu.
5. Is there a way I can simply add an image to a post add categories, and publish it and have it show up in all posts and relevant categories, without having to set a featured image? Also, in the all posts, how can I get rid of the hover animation for that specific picture? Also, is there anyway to remove the ‘Read more’ on a per post basis?
6. How can I remove the navigation line that appears under the menu? (‘site’>blog>post)
7. How to change Link Text colour and the hover colour within posts?
Thanks in advance for any replies and advice!