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  • #80057
    Post count: 51

    Google has the shop indexed. BUT: the H2 is indexed wrongly.. (uhmz i think its the H2)

    See the file… is there anyway 2 change that??

    And there’s something else… i dont know if i can post this here aswell.. but the Search in the menu bar. Is displaying product images as exspected BUT.. the text is whit…i cant seem 2 change it to Black. It only shows the text if you hover over it..

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    can you provide an image of the search issue that you are talking about?

    Best Regards,

    Post count: 51

    search for Then you get this result as shown in attachment

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    I recommend installing a plugin like AllinOne SEO or Yoast’s SEO to control that!

    All the best

    Post count: 51

    All rdy have Yoast Running…. Its prolly a wrongly format in theme i think.. i gave the frontpage a title now.. maybe that works???

    Google just adds a H2 as site description to it.. but it hasnt been the right one so far… bin this for months now.

    Post count: 51

    Goodday pplz,

    About this topic.. I havent had a H2 Text added to the page. Because is “screws” up the theme -> The look of the site.. But if I dont my site wont be indexed right… As in the standard template Neighborhood provides wont be suffecient to get a good searchable site for google.

    I had 2 add a H2 to the site -> Look @ pic 1 H2text.jpg

    When i did that google had the H2 text changed within a day…. look @ pic 2 ->Changing 2.jpg

    Here’s my problem… I want to have google searchers find me like on Changing2.jpg. But that way the site will be “Ugly” by having that H2 text on the top of the page.

    Any ideas?? Maybe something to think about for next update??

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Hi there

    The page heading is h1, not h2. Why not keep it, but change the style for that section? For e.g:

    .page-heading .heading-text h1 {
      font-size: 21px;

    – Kyle

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