New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante documentation on photo usage

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #76900
    Post count: 40

    Could you direct me to information about how to use photos in the theme? I’ve searched the documentation and forums with no results other than

    1) Do I use the featured image? When I add an image to featured image what happens behind the scenes?

    2) Detail Media Options: What is the difference between main detail display and post item detail? i.e. How do I use this option?

    3) How does featured image and detail media relate to thumbnail options?

    4) If I want a different thumbnail image, not the featured image, how do I set that up?

    5) Am I understanding theme image sizes correctly?
    If I’m running a 4-column masonry grid for ‘index’ pages, then I should crop images to 960px x 720px (retina blog) and the resizer will scale to fit the 4-col grid, widgets, etc. i.e. one crop, the resizer takes care of the rest. And the theme will choose the correct size for the specific use (page image, thumbnail, masonry grid, widget, etc.).

    Or do I need to do multiple crops on the same image?

    What do I enter on the Settings > Media sizes in relation to the sizes listed at
    How do the sizes at Settings > Media effect auto-resizing?

    6) If I want images to be less than 720px high, and never square, what files do I need to change?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    To explain it as best as I can, the featured image is the main image for your post, this will be the image used for the detail media, thumbnail, widget etc.
    Detail Media is if you want to overwrite the featured image for the top image on the blog post, or if you want to use a video, gallery etc
    Thumbnail Options are if you want to set a different thumbnail to the featured image

    Yes you only need to upload one large image and wordpress will create the different sizes

    6) Not sure if this is possible, you would just have to crop the images in photoshop before you upload them

    – Kyle

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