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  • #75387
    Post count: 102

    So thanks to Kyle I managed to get my shop page going, thanks again Kyle!

    But now I want to/need to get a bit deeper in to it, and I’m starting to feel I’m in way over my head with all this.

    1. I’ve created a main menu bar, the nav bar. There is a home button and a shop button. I’ve added submenus to the shop button containing categories. When pressing ‘shop’ I get in to the full product range, wich is as intended. But how do I get the submenus to show only products in the category I chose?

    2. The sidebar, currently using the left sidebar style. I managed to reduce it to only product categories, I will add brands to it later. But when I removed the current categories and added my own, they don’t show. All that shows is uncategorized. How do I make my own categories show and correspond to the selected category? (Just as the submenu I want it to show only the products in that category when chosen).

    3. Speaking of the sidebar, how do I change size and color on it?

    Thanks for the great support, it means alot for a rookie like me!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    No problem! Glad I could help

    1. What you want to do is click on the category of one of your products, copy the link that’s in the url bar. Now go to your menu, add a custom link, and paste the link to your category.

    2. So you want to show all categories or only the child categories of the parent category? And just so you know, when you are adding brands, color etc, these are attributes, not categories. Let me know if you need more info on that

    3. Unfortunately it’s not possible

    – Kyle

    Post count: 102

    Kyle, thanks again for your help. It makes sense, I’m just not getting it to work right now.

    Is there any chance I could start a mail conversation with you instead? It feels like with every answer I get two new questions arise. I don’t want to spam your board more than I have to, and I feel like a dumbass when I do.

    Thanks again.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Unfortunately not, we have to keep everything on the support forum. When a new issue/question arrises please open a new thread. It will get answered much quicker

    – Kyle

    Post count: 102

    So I finally had the time to sit down once more and do some work on the site. I’ve added all the categories I want for now, and added one product for each category. When adding products I’ve made sure to check the box to the corresponding category. However, the following problem occured;

    I made a category called “Efter rakning”, along with that I created two subcategories and chose “Efter rakning” as parent category. I can’t seem to chose the subcategories for the products I’m adding. Is there something I’m missing here?

    Attached picture 1 is showing front page, wich works as intended.

    Attached picture 2 is showing the intended category when clicking the category below the product at the home page, wich seems to work as intended. Except for the sidebar not showing me any categories.

    Attached picture 3 is showing how it looks when I press the category button from the dropdown menu at the nav bar. This is what I don’t get, I know you explained it for me Kyle, but I don’t really understand?

    I hope I make at least some sence.

    Best regards

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    The link for the menu is incorrect, you need to copy the link from the category page which ends in


    – Kyle

    Post count: 102

    Thank you Kyle, after some playing around in the menu I found the link page to create custom menus. The first thing you go blind on is the eyes I guess ๐Ÿ™‚

    Best regards

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Ok great! No problem ๐Ÿ™‚

    – Kyle

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