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  • Posted in: Supreme
  • #7203
    Post count: 3

    Hi, I have several questions regarding the Supreme WordPress theme. I appreciate any help.

    1: How do I limit the amount of tags? Right now there’s like 20 tags on my website.
    2: Is there any way to make the news ticker appear on all pages and categories, not just the homepage?
    3: Having the huge slider on the homepage, while looking very cool, does ruin site performance by having to load all the high-res images. Has anyone found a solution to limiting this performance issue?

    That’s it, thanks for reading and thank you Ed for making this great theme!

    Post count: 3

    Can anyone please help?

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851


    1) The theme doesn’t handle the number of displayed tags; WordPress will show up to 45. Try searching for a plugin that limits them, as the theme doesn’t have any feature for this.

    2) It can be shown on any page – just check Show Posts Ticker when editing a page.

    3) Try optimizing your images for web; the bigger they are in size, the bigger the impact on performance.



    Support Assistant

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