In future, please open one thread per question. It means we can concentrate on the one issue per thread and people who have the same issue will be able to follow the thread easily.
1) Create a blog page, add the ‘blog’ page builder asset and go to settings > reading and set your home page to be your blog page
2) In your page meta settings click Remove top Spacing
3) The image may have a style set on it to be 100% width, so if your image is smaller than the space given, it will be enlarged to fill the space.
4) You will need to either create a blog category named houses, and add another blog page, or you could use the portfolio post type for your houses
5) Remove the map asset and add a single image (set to full width)
6) Remove it from the page title
7) You will need to sign up to Mailchimp and get an embed code
8) Go to Appearance > Widgets and remove the meta from the menu
Hope this helps, like I said, it would make it much easier to deal with your issues if you stuck to one or two per thread 🙂
– Kyle