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  • #63100
    Post count: 29

    Hello dream team!
    I have 4 columns as 1/4 each: image-text-image-text. I have encounter that all images have slightly different dimensions as thumbnails:
    Their original sizes: 480×969, 800×1012, 1000×1277, 901×1079. Is there any way to have the thumbnails all the same size? Thank you in advance!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Unfortunately not, as your image ratios are not the same. The images will be sized down to the same width, to fill the column, and the images have different heights, this is why they are not equal.

    The only way around it would be to open up the larger ones in an image editing software and crop the images to be the same size/ratio.

    – Kyle

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