New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood new member registration problem

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  • #61008
    Post count: 102

    Hi –

    We are experiencing problems when new users try to register. It will prevent people from registering with us. Here is what happens:

    1. unlogged in user adds to wishlist
    2. in wishlist asks to create account
    3. my account > enters email password
    4. when click “register” goes to WP login page and can’t use the UN/PW just created – also it’s just awkward because they don’t know why they have been moved to this page
    5. use browser back to go back to my account and login as registered user
    6. this now works but lost all stuff added to cart / wishlist

    Same thing happens if you enter registration process from wishlist or header “login”

    Happens on these platforms:
    iphone 5s
    mac safari
    pc chrome

    FYI our site is behind a coming soon page now.


    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Developer of theme will assist you very soon .
    Thanks 🙂
    With Best Regards
    Swift Ideas

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264


    The way that the wishlist works depends on whether they are logged in / logged out. If they are logged out then it uses either cookies, or the session. If they are logged in then it is stored in the database.

    You would need to alter how the wishlist works (to only use cookies) if you wanted this functionality.

    As for the registration process, I’ve tested here and once I register using the registration for on the right of the my account page, it redirects back logged in?

    – Ed

    Post count: 102
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    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264


    The theme doesn’t have any effect on the login process though. Testing here from a clean cache, not logged in, allowed me to register and as soon as entering details I was logged in and back to the wishlist page.

    Do you have any plugins which could be affecting or altering your login/register process?

    – Ed

    Post count: 102

    Thanks Ed – you are right it was the Maven Membership plugin. I’ve disabled it and am trying to find something else to use. Basically we have a page of content that we only want registered trade / press to access. Seems like other plugins such as WP-Members merges with the normal site login you guys have created. Any tips on plugins you’ve seen that would let customers login via your method and have another level of user for other users (e.g. trade / presss).

    Suggestions welcome!

    Post count: 99

    @lattitude22n – check out the Groups plug-in ( ). I think that should work for your case. It’s very light-weight, well coded and the developer is very helpful.

    Post count: 102

    thanks n8-b. i think that one is a little too simple for what we need as we want press / trade to register some info with us such as their company name and type of biz but then also automatically grant logged in access to hi-res images etc. i guess the other way to do it is restrict the page to 1 password and have people submit a contact form for access but that’s a little more manual than we wanted. but seems like other restricted access plugins clash with this theme/woocommerce.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I’d recommend contacting the plugin developer and telling them that their plugin is not compatible with woocommerce. They should get the issue fixed.

    – Kyle

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