New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform Revolution slider – captions.css + demo content

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #51548
    Post count: 197


    I am opening this thread as it has been requested to me. It follows:

    I have few issues with the demo content:

    1- the revolution slider demo content;
    I have created a new slider with the alias “homeslider” but I am facing 2 issues:
    – There’s no captions.css file in the css folder I can replace with the one provided in the demo content.
    Only captions-orginal.css, settings.css, static-captions.css.
    So, I placed the one provided.
    -With or without this css file, I get a blank page with the following:

    importing slider setings and data…

    {“success”:false,”message”:”Can’t write file \”\/home\/www\/ae996bd405d1d455e219912b6201ea1e\/web\/wp-content\/plugins\/revslider\/rs-plugin\/css\/dynamic-captions.css\”, please change the permissions!”}

    Could you please help? 🙁

    2- While the demo upload run well, there are some items not displayed.
    On the homepage,
    – characters are bigger than in the demo:
    – the black part at the bottom with the items “flex your creatives muscles”, “recent projects” and “recent articles” are not displayed

    Could you please have a look as I would like to use these items?
    I send you all accesses by pm.


    Post count: 197
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1. Did you import the sliders using revs slider import feature?

    2. You also need to import the theme options which is a text file in your download files, this will correct the styles etc.

    – Kyle

    Post count: 197


    1- Yes, I did.
    2- I do not succeed importing the “homeslider.txt” file.
    I got this message:
    importing slider setings and data…

    {“success”:false,”message”:”Can’t write file \”\/home\/www\/ae996bd405d1d455e219912b6201ea1e\/web\/wp-content\/plugins\/revslider\/rs-plugin\/css\/dynamic-captions.css\”, please change the permissions!”}

    I checked I do not have this css file on the specified folder rs-plugin/css/, so I created it and gave a 777 access to all files including this one but no success.

    Could you please have a look? I gave you all accesses previously.
    Thanks Kyle.


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi DJ, can you try a 775 or 755 permission?

    Thank you!

    Post count: 197

    Hi Mel,
    I tried with both CHMOD.
    Same error message.


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Upon investigation it seems that this error might be due to the fact that PHP 5.4 or later is not running on your server.

    Can you check back with your hosting company?

    Post count: 197

    Hi Melanie,

    You’re right. I set it up with php 5.3
    Do I have to migrate to 5.4? I can easily ask it to my hoster but I need to know the advantages for flexform and its demo. Sorry Mel, but I am a newbie. It’s my first site. So, php 5.4 is worth it?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Yes it is advisable to add php 5.4 to the server, it should not affect anything. But it will be beneficial to have.

    – Kyle

    Post count: 197

    Hi Kyle,

    Thanks for your answer.
    Actually, I placed the request to my host this week-end.
    And it has already been migrated to php 5.4.
    The new ip address is

    So, I tried to import the “homeslider.txt” file.
    I got this answer from wordpress:

    {“success”:false,”message”:”Can’t write file \”\/home\/www\/ae996bd405d1d455e219912b6201ea1e\/web\/wp-content\/plugins\/revslider\/rs-plugin\/css\/dynamic-captions.css\”, please change the permissions!”}

    I checked. I did not have the dynamic-captions.css file.
    So, I created and gave it a 777 chmod.

    I’ still got the same message.
    So, I’m removing the dynamic-captions.css and wait for your investigation.

    If you have a look on my site, the rev slider is actually working as initially.
    The only thing I do not have is the right font for all messages.
    Maybe, it’s better to custom it in the admin board, no?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I will have to check with the developer about this issue.

    Thanks for your patience

    – Kyle

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi DJ,

    Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about that, it seems that the only possibility is that something on your hosting is stopping it from writing (it wouldn’t be in the plugin/theme), and we’ve had it work every time for us.

    Did you ask your host regarding this error and if there is anything they can see?

    Alternatively we may have to upload to the latest version of Rev Slider and provide the new zip format export for you.

    – Ed

    Post count: 197

    No, I did not discussed that with my host.
    They just migrate php to 5.4 as requested.

    Regarding to the rev slider, on my site, I got the 6 images rolling+the messages.
    It’s just the characters which are not set up with the right font.
    I have not investigated that much but do you think I can easily managed this “by hand” to get the same results as in your demo?


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi DJ,

    You can set up Google Fonts for the slider text, give that a go. We use DIN Text Pro which is a premium Font Deck font.

    – Ed

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