New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform can't load the demo content

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #50685
    Post count: 197


    Theme version: 1.6
    Wordpress version: 3.8.1
    Online at

    I tried many times to import the xml file from /Demo Content/flexform_demo-content.xml through the wordpress importer plugin but unsuccessfully.

    After having downloaded the wordpress importer tool, WordPress noticed me it was unable to create the folder
    wp-content/uploads/2014/02. So, I did it through my ftp. And when I tried to upload the xml file, I got this message:
    Sorry, there has been an error.
    The file could not be moved to wp-content/uploads/2014/02

    There is no php memory upload limit from my hosting as they told me by phone.
    I think it is more a problem access but I don’t really know.

    A hand from your side would be nice.
    I send you the wp admin board password and logon + the ftp client codes by pm.


    Post count: 197
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    Post count: 197

    Ok, I have managed the time limit with my host.
    Now, I got a problem with the revolution slider demo content;

    I have created a new slider with the alias “homeslider” but I am facing 2 issues:
    – There’s no captions.css file in the css folder I can replace with the one provided in the demo content.
    Only captions-orginal.css, settings.css, static-captions.css.
    So, I placed the one provided.
    -With or without this css file, I get a blank page with the following:

    importing slider setings and data…

    {“success”:false,”message”:”Can’t write file \”\/home\/www\/ae996bd405d1d455e219912b6201ea1e\/web\/wp-content\/plugins\/revslider\/rs-plugin\/css\/dynamic-captions.css\”, please change the permissions!”}

    Could you please help 🙁

    Post count: 197

    Also, as the demo content upload run well, there are some items not displayed.
    For instance, on the homepage,
    – characters are bigger than in the demo:
    – the black part with the items “flex your creatives muscles”, “recent projects” and “recent articles” are not displayed

    Could you please have a look as I would like to use these items?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    The demo content is quite a large file size, with all the images etc. If it will not allow you to upload it then it is because of your hosting. Try hitting the back button in your browser and then press submit again, and it will carry on where it left off.

    If it still doesn’t work you need to upgrade your hosting.


    – Kyle

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    you have a permission issue, that means you need to change the permission on the folders mentioned by the error to 755 or 775 or 777, depending on which one works.

    Can you please open a new thread for the last comment of you? As this is unrelated.

    All the best

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