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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #48186
    Post count: 76

    HI, theme is great, still really digging it and all the updates too, keep it up!

    Just have a quick question regarding the spacing between the masonry in the blog.

    How can i reduce the overall padding/spacing slightly between the masonry items so that it is the same as on the right and left of the page? I tried tuning some CSS, but was struggling to make equal spacing between the masonry items.

    I am referring to the masonry blog on this page:


    The issue is actually more to do with when the browser is smaller, the spacing becomes way too wide relative to the width of the masonry items.

    please advise.

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    I see that spacing is perfect in your screenshot and website too . If i decrease spacing then i need to customize block width and image sizes and a lot of changes with current layout , may break the layout .

    With Best Regards
    SwiftIdeas Themes

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