New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Author name and Category below Feature Image in Dante Post

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #47023
    Post count: 5

    Site URL:
    Wordpress Version: 3.8.1
    Theme Version: 2.01

    First off, Dante is a brilliant theme and the very best I’ve had a chance to work with. I had what I hope is a simple question about a small alteration to the single post template. I would like to have the feature image show up at the top of the post, and move the author name, categories, and comments link below it re the attached screenshot. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    open up single.php

    cut the code

    <div class="post-info clearfix">
    					<span class="vcard author"><?php echo sprintf(__('Posted by <a href="%2$s" itemprop="author" class="fn">%1$s</a> on <span class="date updated">%3$s</span> in %4$s', 'swiftframework'), $post_author, get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta( 'ID' )), $post_date, $post_categories); ?></span>
    					<?php if ( comments_open() ) { ?>
    					<div class="comments-likes">
    						<div class="comments-wrapper"><a href="#comments"><i class="ss-chat"></i><span><?php comments_number(__('0 Comments', 'swiftframework'), __('1 Comment', 'swiftframework'), __('% Comments', 'swiftframework')); ?></span></a></div>
    					<?php } ?>

    and move it below the line that says div class article-body-wrap.

    Let me know if that worked please!

    Post count: 5

    Hi Melanie, That solution worked great. Thank you so much.

    Tahir – SUPPORT
    Post count: 1212


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