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  • #44737
    Post count: 2

    Site url :
    Wordpress version : WordPress 3.8.1
    Theme : Neigborhood 1.55

    I have just purchased this theme, and i have a few questions about the product detail page :

    1. How can i set a default placeholder image ?
    2. How can i show the amount of backorders instead of just in backorder (Ex : Stock – 1) ?
    3. How can i show “Excl VAT” before the price ?
    4. How can i remove the dash behind the SKU in the product detail page ?
    5. How can i add custom attributes to the sidebar filter ? Renaming one to “Merk” renamed all of them to Merk
    6. What’s the best method for custom css to avoid theme updates overriding tweaks ?
    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    as for the wooCommerce questions I recommend contacting the WooCommerce support directly.

    What do you mean by custom attributes? Only the name of the sidebar? How did you try to change the name of the sidebar?

    You can use our theme options > custom css section to add custom css.


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