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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #43067
    Post count: 19

    I’ve asked about replicating it before, got directed to the knowledge base, and that worked. I’m working on another site that I want to do something similar with, but I want it to be slightly different. I posted in the knowledge base comment thread but it has not been moderated or addressed so I’m posting here. I’m just copying and pasting what I put there:

    So I utilized this on one site and it worked great, thank you!

    However, I’m building another site using Dante and I’m trying to utilize the same code to achieve something slightly different. This is the header I’m trying to replicate from their psd layout:

    I’m trying to use the principles in this code to maneuver the layer slider I’m using on my site to hover behind the logo a little bit, while having the menu up top like that, but I’m running into some issues. Here’s the demo site in question. For starters

    1) I can’t seem to figure out how to make space for the full sized logo despite adjusting the width and height in the code given. If it would display the whole thing it would be flush with the top of the page, which is what I’d like, but as it stands it’s getting cut off on the top and bottom

    2) I figured out how to move the media down a bit, but it will only go so far. I took the code here:

    .page-id-15 .inner-page-wrap {
    padding-top: 0!important;
    margin-top: 0;

    And adjusted the top margins and it moved it down, but it only moves it down so much before it won’t go any further. What you see on my build is the farthest it will move down, no matter what number I put in that code for margin-top. How do I get it to move down a little more?

    3) The menu is centered along side the logo, which is how I adjusted it originally in the options menu (Main Nav Top Spacing), but it won’t seem to move to the top where it normally starts, it stays centered along aside the logo. How can I adjust the margins on that so I can get that up there above the slider graphic?

    If I can get those 3 things it would be great, but I’m not sure if these are things I can manipulate in the the naked theme code or if there’s stuff I need to add. Any help?

    Post count: 19

    Nevermind. Client changed designed preference.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


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