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  • #42818
    Post count: 69

    I have done my best.. I translated both My Account in English and Russian Language..

    When the site language is on Russian, When i click ‘My Account” Immediately all the site page turns English..

    I restarted all over again from the scratch.. and same problem which is very painful to sit almost 12 hours working on the site.. I just don’t know what to do next.. Because its just don’t work for me 🙁

    Im disappointed that none of their developers can reply me or fix this issue for me even i had provided my login details to fix this issues.. wish they have a support email.!

    anyone that can help me should please do, will be highly grateful.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    What’s the link to the thread we already talked about this please? It’s not advised to open more than one thread per issue.

    Also, support email would not change anything about how or who replies I’m afraid. The method of communication is the only thing that would change.


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    As per your request on this thread
    I will mark all your currently open threads as resolved.

    Thank you!

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