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  • #40641
    Post count: 102

    Hi – I am having some issues getting fonts to show up.

    Great that you’ve got Helvetica as a standard font but it doesn’t seem to show up in Firefox or Safari? I could see it in Chrome only so far. If I can get it working I would love to be able to create a condensed or Helvetica Neue look.

    I cannot see Open Sans Google Font in any browser when I implement it for Menu. However some other Google fonts like Lato are displaying well.

    See attached settings for


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    Helvetica is only the fallback font that takes effect if the google fonts cannot be loaded like in old IE versions.


    Post count: 102

    Hi Melanie –

    Can you take a look again as I don’t think your answer really addresses my situation.

    1. The theme allows you to select to display Standard Fonts or Google Fonts or FontDeck Fonts. I have selected to show Standard Font for the body text. Helvetica is listed as a standard font (which I was actually surprised about since it isn’t normally). I have therefore selected Helvetica (not a Google font) to show. It’s not working. Are you saying that Helvetica is not a reliable Standard font to use and I shouldn’t select it?

    2. For menu font I have selected the Google Font Open Sans Condensed 700 and it doesn’t show up in any browser I tried. Why not?


    Post count: 102

    Hi – can you please get back to me as these questions are holding up our design process. I know you guys where probably busy pushing out the new theme version:)

    Post count: 102

    FYI I still need your answer as I would like to use Open Sans but meanwhile I am trialing some other fonts.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    I’ll pass this on to Tahir.

    Post count: 102

    Hi Can you please let me know?

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    Apologies it’s taken so long to get an answer back to you.

    1) Checking here and Helvetica working on every browser. Can you possibly try another machine?

    2) I’m able to replicate Open Sans Condensed not working here – will look into this and provide a fix for the next update.


    – Ed

    Post count: 102

    Thanks – I think we’ve got helvetica now. Looking forward to next update!

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Glad to hear that!

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