Hi Swift Team,
I have a page with three spb_icon_box, and I would like to make the icons different colors, (text and title can be default).
Have you added this option to the Dante theme since this thread?
Here is another thread that refers to something similar but mentions only that he was successful:
spb_icon_box title color
It’s easy enough to have multiple colors for the icon-box and icon-alt color (Appearance>Customize>Color-Icons(Extra Options)), but I haven’t found a thread about multiple colors for different icons on the same page; I only know how to change the color of all icons on the whole site.
EXAMPLE: I am using single digits for one set of three icons in icon-boxes (1, 2 & 3); I want icon 1=red, 2=blue and 3=yellow.
Can you help? Is that possible?