I just updated the theme to v1.52. Now the Fontawesome Icons ar not anymore visible, please see here: http://po.st/tIBMR2.
Untill now the icons are written like this:
[chart percentage="100" size="170" barcolour="#1bbeb4" trackcolour="#baebe8" content="icon-building" align="center"]
But if i go to http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/ can i see that with version 4 it has to be like:
And when i write someting like this:
[chart percentage="100" size="170" barcolour="#1bbeb4" trackcolour="#baebe8" content="fa-building-o" align="center"]
the icon is still not viewable… What to do? Thank you very mutch for your support!
And a happy new year!