Hi guys,
I’ve just finished my first site with Dante and tomorrow will start the second one. I want to make a discussion about plugins that you use with Dante. It’s important for me to collect as many data as possible for possible problems/solutions/usage regarding plugins.
With my Dante install I have the following plugins installed (not all are active):
1. Akismet
2. Better WP security (not active yet)
3. Breadcrumb NavXT (native)
4. Broken link checker
5. Contact form 7 (native)
6. Envato WP Toolkit (new – github style)
7. Google XML Sitemaps
8. Hello Dolly 😉
9. Jetpack (not active)
10. LayerSlider WP (native)
11. NGFB Open Grpah+ (native)
12. oAuth Twitter….. (native)
13. Prev next post in same taxonomy (native)
14. Rev Slider (native)
15. W3 Total Cache (not active)
16. Woo Commerce (native)
17. Wordfence Security
18. WordPress importer
19. Yoast WP SEO
20. YITH WooCom wishlist (native)
I suppose that many of you had a lot of plugins installed and my suggestion is to make a separate topic regarding the plugin usage – tips and tricks, problems and solutions, etc. as a part of Dante forum. I’ll appreciate the help of Dante dev team with it.