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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #37001
    Post count: 24


    My current screen resolution is 1920 x 1080. I used the revolution slider to try to achieve a full screen image for my home page.

    1) See attached screenshot for the slider setting: slider-setting.png

    2) When I load my home page, I still see a small white gap at the bottom of the page: fullscr-image.png

    What did I set wrongly?

    Tahir – SUPPORT
    Post count: 1212

    Have you set a fullscreen offset ? . If yes please remove it as your current layout does not require the slider to incorporate the header height which is likely happening on your site.


    Post count: 24

    Hi Tahir,

    Where can I find this fullscreen offset?


    Post count: 24

    Ok, found it – inside the 1st screenshot that I sent you.

    But what is the purpose of putting “#header-section” in the field “Offset Containters”? What is this “Offset Containers” for? I simply followed the demo sliders and put it in.

    Tahir – SUPPORT
    Post count: 1212


    The Offset is used to basically deduce or minus the height from the total height of the page. So for example your
    Header is 40px height
    Page is 840px height

    If you set slider to fullscreen the slider will take 840px height of the page. Without the offset the bottom of the slider would be cut because the page is now 40px header height plus 840px page height . So its actually now 880px where as the page height is 840px.

    So to make it line up correctly we set an offset so the slider deduces the 40px of header from page so the slider height is 800px and lines up perfectly on the page.

    Hope this Explains Better.


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