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  • #35951
    Post count: 19

    I wondering if I can hide the shipping dimensions info in the Additional Info Tab — The thing is the Shipping Calculator I use (AusPost) needs this package data for shipping rate calculations, so I need these fields filled, but I don’t want this field displayed in Product Details.

    How can I hide this?
    or if not, can I rename this data field or something (i.e Pack Dimensions)?

    (*Just to clarify – this is the theme default Dimension Field Under Product Data > Shipping – Not a attribute I can add or make visible by choice).


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Can you post up the URL to a page where this is happening so I can check it out directly?


    Post count: 67

    Hi everybody
    I have the same question, or close to it
    In back office in products > General > Shipping – we have “weight” (and its appear on front office)
    but we have also “weight” of the same product, it means first one belongs to shipping weight in total with box etc, and the second one is about weight of product alone. And the problem is on front office, user have no idea about it, we have two “weights” and “dimensions” (screen attached) I can easily change the “product weight” and “product dimensions” but how to get “shipping weight” on front page? Now there is confusion in my opinion.

    please please almighty help me : )

    link to page

    Post count: 19

    Hey Mate.

    I found the solution to hide the weight/dimension. Simply paste this code into the functions.php file (Appearance > Editor > ThemeFunctions .php)

    	add_filter( 'wc_product_enable_dimensions_display', '__return_false' ); 
    Post count: 67

    suuuper, it works
    Thank You You : )


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Great! Thanks Nerdski 🙂 Love the username!

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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