Hi again
Really enjoying working with this theme.
Just a couple more woo commerce based styling queries.
Please see this test product page:
1. How can I remove the meta/links data that appears to the right of the product’s title?
2. I wish to remove the “Contact” option completely, and also the “Leave feedback” link. Can this be done through custom CSS?
3. For the Category link, I would really like to be able to remove the word “Category:” and just leave the actual category link there. Again can this be done?
4.Finally, I really like the way the Share options work, but a couple of problems. Here they are invisible until you roll over them, but I cannot find anywhere to set their starting colour? Am I missing this? Also, when you do roll over, all of the icons appear, including PinInterest and Google+ when I have only set up accounts in the main theme settings for Facebook and Twitter. Any ideas?
Sorry to keep bombarding you with these bits and pieces. I am learning as I go!