I understand there are 2 different styling for the text on the swift slider when there is a background image or not image.
Can I keep it the same and have the styling the same for the text as it is when no image is applied in the background of the swift slider? That would be my first choice and would look really good. 🙂
Second choice is: have a fixed image instead of a boring (in my site looks like that) solid background. I tried to play around, and the image scroll when a new post appears.
#swift-slider .slides{background: url(wp-content/themes/flexform/images/mainsliderBCKD.jpg);}
As you can see I don’t much much and I need help.
Sorry for opening a new topic, this question above was on another post, with a different title/ topic I wrote about about another question, and you seemed not to respond to this question, but you responded to the other one. I apologize for reopening a new topic.