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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #33167
    Post count: 21

    Two questions about the mega menu.

    1. Column width.

    I am using the mega menu function. Some are 2 or three columns, and don’t need the whole width of the screen.

    I saw that you can add a css sf-mega-menu-3col for example to change the number of columns, but they fill the whole screen and look too wide. Is there a way to control or have a fixed width on the columns?

    2. If I use header option 3-7 the menu is on the right, but the mega menu goes on the left. I feel forced to use only menu option 1 or 2. Is there a way to keep the mega menu on the same side as the main menu?


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    1) Unfortunately, at the moment at least, the mega menu is minimum full width, so that it’s consistent. It’s something that we’d definitely like to look at extending in the future, so that we can fit as many needs as possible.

    2) Does this happen the same as on the demo? Is this just the mega menus, that open full width?

    – Ed

    Post count: 21

    Hi Ed, and thanks for getting back to me.

    1. Yes, it is the same as the demo, it opens full width. That is fine when there are 4 or 5 colums, but if you only have 2 columns they look really wide. It would be great if you could add that feature or choice in the future.

    2. Another solution to that could be to give a choice between normal menu with 3 levels or mega menu. That way if you only have 2 or three topics they don’t take up full width. Also some people may prefer the more traditional menu to mega menu. Now the only choice is Mega menu or stick to two levels.

    3. If you are able to make the mega menu feature with less than full widt, it would be great to be able to also choose between left or right, depending on the header you choose. Some headers have menu to the right, some to the left. The mega menu that is less that full width should then go under the main menu.

    Thanks again for great work.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    1) This is on our improvement list for the mega menu, thanks for the feedback.

    2) Not sure how possible this will be, but we’ll see what we can do.

    3) If we did variable width mega menu items, then it would dropdown directly from the parent item 🙂

    Thanks for the feedback.

    – Ed

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