New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Uplift A few minor issues: images and

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  • Posted in: Uplift
  • #330445
    Post count: 76

    Really loving this new theme. I’m having a few issues I can’t seem to fix.

    1. Some images extend beyond the outline of boxed content. For example, have a look at the box for Level One on this page (

    2. For some odd reason, if I change the size of an image via the custom size option, the new dimensions don’t take. It seems to disregard the new size and keep the image at its original size.

    3. Padding: If I type in numbers for padding in the boxed content option in the swift builder, they don’t stick. I need to use the sliders (which are a bit difficult when you’re trying to get numbers like 4 or 5) or use the content editor.

    Your assistance is much appreciated.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) Please add this to Theme Options => Custom CSS:

    .spb_box_content .spb-asset-content {
        display: inline-block;
        padding-bottom: 10px;

    2) What dimensions are you trying to add, currently it looks like you have the fullsize image set – this makes the height relative to the width and will provide a decent image resolution without distortion.

    3) I’d like to login and take a closer look, however I get this error:


    Post count: 76

    Sorry, I was on vacation when you replied to this.
    1. Thanks! This is great

    2. The issue is when I’m trying to scale an image down using the points on the corners from within the content editing box (sorry, I’m not sure how to verbalize this well), the new size doesn’t stick. I might scale an image down, but when I save the page, the change doesn’t register. For example, on this page: I tried to make the image of the feet smaller, and it’s showing the code as:
    img src=”” alt=”feet” width=”229″ height=”193″
    But the image is being displayed at its original size: 298×251.

    3. I’m not sure why you’re getting that error. Which site are you trying to log in to?


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    2) The image will grow to fit its container item. Could you increase the left/right padding to reduce the image size?

    3) It’s when I try to login to your site, guessing you have a security plugin:

    Post count: 76
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    2) We have removed some CSS for the next update to allow for the image to be displayed at its size if smaller than the area it is within. We also removed this on your site.

    3) I was able to login without issue, but I think the issue is that if you enter a value with the keyboard you need to press enter after for it to stick – give that a try!


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